Many of us start the morning with a mug of hot coffee. Some it appears in the hand sometimes not once throughout the day. However, regardless of how often we use coffee, it is worth knowing what effect has coffee for health. Fortunately, this black drink has long been a subject of scientific interest.
Most studies show that drinking 3-4 portions of coffee has more positive than negative effects. It is believed that when using coffee, the likelihood of certain types of cancer, neurological disorders (including depression, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease) and liver diseases are reduced. Although the use of unfiltered coffee can increase cholesterol in the blood, coffee itself is not responsible for such diseases as, cardiovascular and heart attacks. On the other hand, coffee is not recommended for people with peptic ulcers and reflux disease, since its ingredients cause irritation of the stomach walls and an increase in hydrochloric acid. When pregnant, such a number of coffee, unfortunately, can harm the development of the fetus. In this case, there is a risk of premature births, low weight newborn and loss of pregnancy. For this reason, during pregnancy, the amount of coffee consumed should be limited to one cup, or it should be avoided.
Currently it is believed that coffee and caffeine reduce the risk of prediabetic and type 2 diabetes. Coffee simultaneously increases tissue sensitivity to insulin and improves secreter pancreatic response. Some researchers indicate that the risk of the development of type 2 diabetes can be reduced to 25% with daily use of 3.5 cups per day, unlike those who drink less than 2 cups or does not drink coffee at all. Interestingly, the protective effect of coffee without caffeine is also confirmed. For this reason, it is believed that other components, in particular polyphenols (for example, chlorogenic acid), are more important than caffeine.
There are no general contraindications so that people with diabetes be refused to eat coffee. However, it should be noted here that positive properties are associated in scientific research with black coffee without any additives. Coffee with milk is a completely different business, not to mention Latte, where most of the milk, cream and flavors based on sugar or glucose-fructose syrup are made. In this case, forget about all the positive sides of the use of coffee - this drink becomes only a source of simple sugars, and its use will lead to a rapid increase in blood glucose levels. In addition, the frequent use of sweet drinks based on coffee will contribute to an increase in weight, which will negatively affect your overall health. If there are no contraindications, a man with type 2 diabetes can boldly reach their daily coffee, and the best choice will be black coffee without adding sugar. You have free video passes available! Use them before they expire free live porn chat with thousands of girls that are online all the time.