04 nov 2015

Movie review about a robot with emotions - Ex Machina

This rather lengthy post provides an overview

For a long time, the modern viewer has not been pleased with really high-quality movies, especially in the thriller genre. Here it is worth explaining in more detail what is meant by the phrases "high-quality cinema". This is not a picture filled with special effects, not an expensive blockbuster, but the quintessence of all the elements that consist of a single puzzle and become a film. These include: a fresh plot, a thoughtful script, plausible acting, pleasant-looking camerawork, sound that only thickens your emotions at the right moment, and of course the director's work, which acts as a conductor here, allows the sounds to break into the overall symphony in time and in the necessary proportion, creating a real masterpiece. The name of this masterpiece is Ex Machina.

The topic of artificial intelligence is very relevant today, when almost every engineer and scientist prefers to create a robot that would think independently, no worse than a human, and in the last turn before the recognition of the computer brain as human is the Turing test (Turing Test - a test to determine whether machine intelligence can be compared with human), which remains Irresistible. But the idea itself is not enough to create a real masterpiece, so the master of his craft Alex Garland was called to write the script, which gave us scripts for such films as "28 days later" and "Hell". Seeing the sparkle in his eyes while working on this project, the producers of the film decided to entrust Gareth with the director's chair as well, which laid the foundation for this cinematic masterpiece.

Alex Garland's directorial debut feature turned out to be a real ray of hope for thriller fans. Everything is just right here, and the sound, and the picture, and the acting, and suspense (in the sense of Alfred Hitchcock - the genre of cinema. A special state of excitement, anxiety, tension, which is constantly increasing, makes the viewer seem like a living participant in the events in the tapes) no worse than Hitchcock's.

Special attention should be paid to the acting, which in "Ex Machina" is limited to only three characters, each of whom was simply and at the same time brilliantly performed by Donal Gleeson, Oscar Isaac and Alicia Vikander. The first one played a typical nerd, an insecure guy who is used as a tool for certain purposes. Isaac's character, on the contrary, is incredibly confident, the creator of artificial intelligence, with excellent charisma and various aristocratic habits. Vikander depicted the same robot with artificial intelligence on the screen. The performance of the last two actors is so realistic that it deserves an Oscar (even two!). Looking for a safe and exciting casino site in the UK? Head to NineWin casino UK.

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