04 nov 2015

How to make home mayonnaise

This rather lengthy post provides an overview

To date, the gourmet is known a huge number of different sauces, but the most popular of them is the option, which is based on eggs, sunflower oil and mustard. Despite the worldwide fame of the refueling for dishes under discussion, not every mistress knows how to make mayonnaise so that it turns out to be delicious and safe even for a childish diet. Make homemade mayonnaise will actually succeed in the simplest ingredients that are in stock from any culinary, while the sauce will work out gentle, without chemical additives and preservatives.

Make mayonnaise can be done quite quickly. This will require no more than one hour. That is why you can begin to prepare shortly before the arrival of guests to fill, for example, a salad in front of the feed to the table. After all, the only minus homemade mayonnaise is the minimum shelf life. Therefore, it is best to create it in such a quantity that you exercise in 1-2 days. Homemade sauce is so tasty that any dish with its addition will be revealed by new and will play with other paints.

Start cooking stands with the preparation of all products. Make mayonnaise can be made of 7 large eggs. Ideally, you should take homemade rustic. Proteins are separated and can be used for any other dishes. Yolks must be left for 15-20 minutes at room temperature, if before that they were in the refrigerator. But refined sunflower oil (0.8 liters) to make mayonnaise is truly tasty, on the contrary, it will be necessary to cool in advance. You can simply briefly remove it into the freezing chamber.

Warm yolks are sent to the container of plastic. You can make mayonnaise also in enameled dishes. It is then added to them about 3 teaspoons of sea salt (small) and about as many mustard. In general, the number of these ingredients can be adjusted to their taste. Next, you need to thoroughly mix the connected ingredients with a wooden spoon. Now is the time to pour in the mass of pre-cooled oil. The perfect temperature for it is not more than 15 degrees. To make mayonnaise independently, there are only a few final steps.

After adding oil to the yolks and mustard in the bowl, a thick sauce with a spicy bright aroma should be turned out. It remains to be pouring into a mass of the table vinegar (3 percent), as well as add approximately 1 tablespoon of sugar sand. Next, you will need to carefully wash out and slightly beat the mass until uniformity. Make mayonnaise is quite possible with the help of a blender. It is much easier and faster than manually.


- Make mayonnaise even more delicious and fragrant will help various additional ingredients, such as olive or corn oil, garlic, lemon juice or zest of this fruit, as well as many others.

- Instead of a blender for whipping mayonnaise, it is also possible to use a mixer or the most ordinary manual whisk. Custom cakes to order on Tort Expert around the world!

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